Increase your leads, get more clients, grow your business.



in managed ad spend


5-star reviews


unique clients


avg. return on adspend


MLX Advertising is a digital marketing agency specializing in paid advertising, social media marketing, and content creation services. At MLX, we're dedicated to crafting transformative digital advertising campaigns and sales funnels that resonate deeply with our clients' values and aspirations. Our commitment to service is demonstrated by our performance guarantee: if we don't triple your ad spend in returns, we waive our 30% bonus fee.


Clients in over 50 countries worldwide




Will MLX manage my social media account?

We will post weekly content on your account. This does not include responding to comments or engagement.

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How much should I spend on ads?

We recommend spending at least USD$500 per month for each platform you’re running ads on. However the more you spend, the quicker we can find your target market and begin to scale. For this purpose, we recommend an initial adspend of USD$800-$1000 per month so we can quickly and efficiently find your market. Once the campaign is optimized, we can then upscale the adspend to meet your sales goals.

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What is your performance fee?

We charge an adspend performance fee of 30% if we get you a 3x performance return or better. For example, if you spent $5000 on ads and we hit our target of 3x or better, then our fee for that would be $1500. We charge this fee because the more you spend on your campaign, the more closely your campaign needs to be managed. Withith greater adspend comes a more diverse range of ad-sets that require set-up and optimization. This is also our incentive fee. If the campaign we create for you becomes incredibly successful with hundreds of thousands or even millions in adspend, then this is how we’re compensated for our hard work and contribution.

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Do you offer other services?

Yes, we do offer additional services. Maybe you need a new landing page to maximize conversions or a custom sales funnel. This is essential to a successful campaign. If so, our team will create or recreate your landing page. We also offer SEO services. Search engine optimization is a key element in getting your business the visibility it needs. For an additional fee, our team will manage your SEO campaign. For those looking for organic growth, our team can create daily strategic content for your brand. Feel free to contact us for that. And finally, if you want us to run ads on multiple platforms, we’ll set-up and configure your campaign on an additional platform as well. If you have any questions at all, please reach out including if you have budgetary limitations. Our team always tries to be flexible and accommodating. Just let us know your budget and how we can be helpful :)

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What kind of results should I expect?

Results! Many prospective clients ask about case studies and results. We made the video below for you.

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Is the monthly adspend included in your retainer fee?

No, our retainer fee is separate from the ad spend. The ad spend is paid to the platforms that deliver your ad and is scalable based on your budget and sales goals.

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Erin Lear

These guys are ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I was lucky to find these guys to help us get our app off the ground with some great videos and they did a fantastic job. Very responsive and easy to work with.

Brice Chism


So, I and my colleagues have done tons of work on Fiverr, NEVER had we found a provider with such fluent and easy communication. Marshall and his team are the best I’ve found on Fiverr and off. They will be getting much more work from me and mine. If you want quality, results, and the best bang for your buck, look no further. These guys are the best.

Joseph Lang

Alpha Strategy

OUTSTANDING work from Marshall and his team! They have the best communication I have seen on Fiverr and are extremely helpful in anyway they can be.


MLX Advertising is the fusion of MLV Media Incorporated and Emerald Beacon. Serving over 600 clients and managing millions in ad spend, our founders, Marshall Lee and Josh Dennis, combined their expertise in 2024 to create MLX Advertising. Our mission is to help small business owners with big ideas get noticed and grow their business.

Josh Dennis and Marshall Lee first collaborated in 2021 on a nationwide radio advertising campaign that achieved remarkable results, including a 10x+ return on their client’s adspend. Afterwards, Marshall and Josh combined efforts on a series of consistently successful projects before undertaking a full-time partnership in 2024. Since then, they’ve continued their upward trajectory, enhancing their expertise, extending their reach, and expanding their clientele.

Reach out and let MLX Advertising over-perform for you. For more background information, please review mlvmedia.ca and emeraldbeacon.com

Marshall Lee

Founder and Owner, MLV Media Incorporated
Honours in Business Administration:
Richard Ivey School of Business

Josh Dennis

Founder and Owner, Emerald Beacon
Bachelor of Science: Marketing Management
Western Governors University

Joel Beacon

Creative Director, MLX Advertising

Bachelor of Arts: English & Philosophy

Simon Fraser University

Contact us


3603 West 27th Ave, Vancouver, BC Canada

Assistance Hours:

Mon – Sat 9:00am – 8:00pm PST

Sunday – CLOSED

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